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Radio Frequency Micro-Needling

Winds of Change Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery located in Houston, TX

Radio Frequency Micro-Needling with the Lutronic Genius


How does Radio-Frequency Micro-Needling work?

Through gold-plated needles, R.F. micro-needling heats tissue via radio-frequency energy, stimulating subdermal collagen and elastin production. The result is a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, and loose skin.

Our R.F. Micro-needling device, the Lutronic Genius, gives immediate, exact readings of the energy delivered, measured, and optimized with each pulse. The needle design allows for precise application. Its accurate, consistent energy delivery helps every aspect of treatment.

What does Radio-Frequency Micro-Needling treat?

  • fine lines and wrinkles
  • scar and acne scarring
  • aging and sagging skin
  • face and neck rejuvenation

The Genius is safe for all skin types and tones because it delivers energy into the deeper layer of the dermis, bypassing the basal layer and significantly reducing the risk of hyperpigmentation.

The length of a treatment depends upon the area(s) treated. A treatment takes 30 minutes to 2 hours based on the included area(s). Pre-treatment topical numbing cream is utilized for 30 minutes for patient comfort. During treatment, we use a skin-boosting hydrating solution on small sections. Immediate post-treatment, a calming solution is applied, followed by 20 minutes of Red Light Therapy.

Patients may experience some redness and swelling for the first 24 – 36 hours. Partial results can appear in 1 – 2 days. The body continues building collagen for several weeks. Improvement continues over the next six months. The results are long-lasting as the process stimulates the body at work.

We recommend a series of 3 treatments for most patients. Patients may opt to have an additional treatment once a year to maintain optimal results.


Before & After Photos

around mouth

around mouth

mouth area

eye area



