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Radiesse® Injectable Filler Treatments - Calcium Hydroxylapatite Filler



One of the fillers that produces the longest-lasting results is FDA-approved Radiesse. This filler is comprised of calcium hydroxylapatite, a synthetic compound, which stimulates the skin’s natural ability to produce collagen. An increase in collagen means firmer, more toned skin. Houston area cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Sumpter, uses Radiesse to treat moderate to severe facial lines and wrinkles and folds between the nose and the mouth, known as nasolabial folds. A patient can see an immediate effect right after an injection and can expect results to last from 12 months up to 18 months.


Good candidates are men or women who demonstrate:

  • Deep nasolabial folds and marionette lines
  • Marionette lines
  • Good skin tone
  • Overall good health 


During the consultation, we will evaluate the overall health of the skin and assess the amount of wrinkles in the middle and lower third of the face. This evaluation will help us develop an individual plan for the appropriate amount of Radiesse to use during treatment. The goal during the injection treatment is to soften the folds, not obliterate them. Radiesse creates a smooth appearance by filling in wrinkles so that the result is soft and natural. Radiesse typically lasts about 9-12 months. Many patients love their results so much that they return and are put on a rotation schedule. 


Discomfort with Radiesse treatments is usually minimal. Occasionally, the tiny needle may nick a small blood vessel during the injection and a small bruise may develop. This can last from 5-10 days and can require makeup to cover. There is minimal downtime. The results from this treatment are evident immediately.


The average cost for a syringe of Radiesse is between $600-$750. The total cost varies depending on how many syringes are needed during treatment to attain the desired results.


Radiesse is a popular derma filler that has produced gorgeous outcomes for our patients. Our surgeon performs these injections with preciseness using an artistic approach to ensure the results are satisfactory and lasting. If you would like to learn more about Radiesse and inquire about a skin rejuvenation treatment plan that is right for you, please call our office today and schedule a consultation.


Winds of Change Cosmetic Surgery
12827 Jones Rd
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 281-894-9990
Fax: 281-894-9993

Office Hours

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