Due to a number of factors, a butt sag can sag, losing shape and definition for a droopy, older look that may be undesireable. In this instance, a patient can turn to a gluteal or butt lift performed by Houston area cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Sumpter. She will remove excessive skin and then lift the remainder for a lifted, firmer look. Dr. Sumpter commonly performs this surgery for aging and significant weight loss patients, as well as those who experience sagging butts due to gravity. With every butt lift, Dr. Sumpter carefully makes incisions to prevent scarring.
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A surgical butt lift is reserved for patients who have loose, hanging skin on and under the buttock. Weight loss patients are usually great candidates for this procedure because once the weight has been lost, the skin typically does not shrink back to its natural state. This surgery removes this skin and creates a normal appearance.
Butt lift surgery typically consists of incisions made underneath the butt cheeks, where the cheek meets the upper thigh. During the procedure, any loose or hanging skin will be cut away and the remaining skin will be lifted and pulled securely into a new position. Sutures are used to securely hold the skin in its new position. In some cases, liposuction may be needed to remove existing, unwanted fat pockets. After the healing process, there will be minimal scarring, however, it will not be visible because of the placement of the incision.
Taking approximately 2 hours to fully complete, butt lift surgery is an outpatient procedure generally performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation. There will be bruising and swelling near the incision area, and walking will be difficult the first few days after surgery. A full recovery from this surgery is usually evident within 3-6 months. With a healthy lifestyle and diet, the surgical results should last a lifetime.
The overall cost of butt lift surgery varies among patients based on their individual needs as well as if liposuction is needed. Patients should expect to pay between $6,500 – $7,500 for this procedure.
A surgical gluteal lift can create dramatic improvement to the rear-end, especially for weight loss patients seeking to finalize their personal transformation. This surgery creates a tighter butt, a shapelier silhouette, but more importantly, it allows patients to be free to wear the clothes they desire, move about more freely, and exercise without having a saggy butt. For more information on this skin tightening procedure, we invite you to call our cosmetic surgery office today and schedule your consultation.
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